Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Critique of Gone to Soldiers by Marge Piercy
A Critique of Gone to Soldiers by Marge Piercy Essay A Critique of Gone to Soldiers by Marge PiercyA Critique of Gone to Soldiers by Marge PiercyThe novel Gone to Soldiers by Marge Piercy intricately weaves the livesof many different people into a connected series of individual plots that givethe reader an exciting view of life during World War II. Piercy connects thelives of women and men, Jews and gentiles by using family ties and steamy loveaffairs. The people have dramatically different profiles, some are rich someare poor, some are Americans, some are French, some are with power while othersare persecuted, but everyone is connected by the war. War freed women byallowing them to work in factories and defy their husbands by hiding resistingFrench Jews. Piercy makes history exciting by making each character reallyexperience love and hate and the mundane daily struggles of the individual. I completely enjoyed Gone to Soldiers, because several main charactersprevented me from getting bored and kept me reading to find out what was goingto happen to each person next. I really enjoyed the profile of Louise Kahan afemale Jewish American writer, because she is independent and strong willed. Anexample of her strength and belief in herself Louise did not instantly return toher ex-husband Oscar even though they both still loved each other, because shewas strong enough to resist him and his womanizing ways. Piercy gave me a muchbetter understanding of the cultural and social issues of the World War two era. I learned about the little struggles of working American women, such as theunavailability of stockings and societys negative attitude towards womenwearing pants. These issues were ones that I had never thought about before. It amazes me that only fifty years ago a woman could not wear pants to work. Ruthies friend was sent home to change for wearing loose fitting red pantsbecause they were considered racy. It is equally surprising to me that womenstill have to wear hose with our skirts or be deemed inappropriate. I do notunderstand how society has completely changed from a white male society into amuch more diverse culture and still expect women to wear uncomfortable hose. Piercy made complete sense throughout the entire book and most importantly shekept my attention. Piercys point of view was biased favorably towards AmericanJews. I enjoyed the book because it kept my attention on the individual livesof people in the midst of war instead of the battles fought during the war. Ialso liked the complicated weave of lives into one story like a patchwork quilt. In conclusion, I enjoyed Marge Piercys novel Gone to Soldiers, becauseit kept my attention with realistic descriptions of people with whom I began toreally understand their feelings and thoughts. Other students should read thisbook if they like historical fiction, because it is so captivating. Piercy usesthe individual as a piece of the whole picture, important but not the entiretyof the work which makes this book so intriguing.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Final Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Final Project - Assignment Example With the success of their product in the local US markets, they are thinking of catering to a wider region by penetration in the bigger markets of US and global markets too. In order to do so a major study has to be undertaken while deciding about the expansion of the market. A faulty expansion step can, not only account for a dip in profits but also be a threat for the whole existence of the business. Thus, a market plan is a serious necessity for market expansion. With the question of market expansion, the most widely used method used to analyze the decision aptly is that of SWOT analysis. It is majorly done to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the particular business proposal. In this case, SWOT analysis is required to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the organization with respect to the idea of global expansion and also the opportunities and threats it may face from the external resources while expanding their business in the global forum. Another study which would be quite handful in this project would be the Porter’s Five Force Model. The Porter’s Five Force Model mainly takes into the account the major forces which affect the functioning of the firm namely the suppliers, competitors, substitutes, barriers to entry and buyers’ powers. A thorough study is to be made regarding all these heads so that it could be well understood that whether the decision taken of expanding their business in the global markets is really viable or not (Kotler, 2009). With the progression of the case all such topics would be covered under different heads. Each and every essential detail for entering into a global market with relation to the case will be analyzed in details and probable solutions will be provided. The nature of the product is a determining factor while decision regarding market expansion is taken that too globally. In this case, the major product is that of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Managing the employment relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Managing the employment relationship - Essay Example mmunicated down to the employees and workers is affected by line managers who lack effective communication skills and the information is ultimately relayed in an untimely way. Small and medium scale enterprises depend on relations between owners and employees. This level of informality fosters positive social relations of production and helps develop close team working, and facilitate rapid and direct communication channels. On the other hand, this same informality situation also presents the problem for subjective, highly-discretionary, ill-informed and unjust managerial approaches. The negative outcome of this set-up can lead to a poor firm performance and consequently, presents a poor safeguard for the protection of employee rights. Smaller companies tend to ignore important labour rights of workers. Hence, there are calls for improving employee participation and employee grievance procedures in small firms such as SMEs. Generally, smaller organisations like the SMEs adopt varying degrees of informality in their labour management practices, hence the adoption and incorporation of any formal employment regulation to these firms can be challenging in the area of compliance. A distinct possibility is to encourage these firms by way of specific government regulations to set up alternative systems for addressing employee rights and grievances. basic right for workers to extend a degree of control over managerial decision making in a Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME). Economic efficiency emphasizes that it makes sense for employers to encourage closer employee participation in the business as it creates more understanding and commitment. These practices actually mean a lot to the participants and these schemes fosters organisational effectiveness and employee well-being. (Dundon et al. 2004) Direct employee participation takes on renewed forms. Direct participation involves individual techniques such as written and electronic communications, face-to-face
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