Friday, January 24, 2020
The Hurt Locker Essay -- Film Analysis
â€Å"The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug.†This quote is the first thing that flashes across the screen as viewers begin their journey into The Hurt Locker, a critically acclaimed war movie written by Mark Boal and directed by Kathryn Bigelow (Hurt). The quote was written by former New York Times war correspondent, Chris Hedges and it perfectly sets the stage for a story that depicts just how potent and addicting war can be (Corliss). The 2008 movie won six Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Actor in a Leading Role (â€Å"Nominees & Winners†). The Hurt Locker is an exceptional movie that contains everything one would expect from an award-winning film: an intriguing plot, heart-wrenching tragedy, breathtaking visuals, top-notch acting, believability, and even a bit of controversy. An intriguing plot is the first thing people look for in a movie. War is a complicated subject so in a film about war, while it is important for the plot to be interesting, it is even more important that it is sensible and flows smoothly. This allows the audience to be entertained and keeps them from getting lost in too many complicated details. The Hurt Locker is the story of three men who are part of a United States Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (E.O.D.) team stationed in Baghdad in 2004. Sergeant First Class William James is a daring specialist who knows everything there is to know about bombs, inside and out. He begins his rotation with Bravo Company after the former team leader is killed while attempting to disarm a roadside bomb. Bravo Company has just 38 days left on rotation and since James has arrived, those days are fraught with tension. James d..." Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Web. 01 Mar. 2011. . Ryzik, Melena. â€Å"A Lawsuit for ‘Hurt Locker,’ in Time for Oscars.†The New York Times. 04 Mar. 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2011. Schmidt, Michael. â€Å"Fatal Bombs in Iraq Seemed Aimed at Militia.†The New York Times. 09 Feb. 2011. Web. 26 Feb. 2011. Seal, Karen H., Daniel Bertenthal, Christian R. Miner, Saunak Sen, and Charles Marmar. "Bringing the War Back Home: Mental Health Disorders Among 103 788 US Veterans Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan Seen at Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities." Archives of Internal Medicine 167.5 (2007): 476-82. Print. Zoroya, Gregg. "In 'The Hurt Locker,' war is like a drug." USA Today n.d.: Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 24 Feb. 2011.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Art and book making Essay
Books are integral part of everyone’s life. There are different kinds of books and each has its own purpose and meaning. Most books are intended for learning while others are for entertainment purposes and for self-expression on the part of the author. Every book is like a treasure box that is full of valuable things. Most of the time, books are used for academic purposes. Without books, it would be really hard for students to learn and for teachers to prepare their lessons. Books serve as a guide and basis for learning. It would be impossible for present generations to learn about histories of different civilization and time and other knowledge without books. Others also find entertainment by reading books such as story and poetry books. Books also expresses the thoughts, emotions and view of the writer. It can also be said that the machines, equipments and technologies that we are experiencing in the present time is because of the existence of books that recorded many discoveries and studies done in the past. Through these studies, we had been able to make life easier and better in meeting the needs of the people and in doing things. Yet, today it can be said that the importance that we give to books are declining also because of the advancement of technology. However, it is undeniable that books still plays an integral part for learning and development not only in terms of technology but in personal growth as well. Due to the great importance and the role that books play in our society, it is also important to pay attention to the book making process. Making a book is not an easy task and requires a lot of work, time and as well as good ideas. It is also important to consider book making as a form of art, a work of art. Aesthetic is also a consideration in order to be able to create a high quality book that is able to serve its purpose whether it is for educational or entertainment purpose. The very cover of the books requires artistic ideas. It is important to make a good impression to the reader. Definitely a reader will choose a book with an attractive cover. It is an important factor for the readers to get interested in the book from the beginning. There is no way a book will be effective if it is not read and readers will think twice before reading a book with a dull cover. For this reason, most story books have a very colorful cover in order to attract readers especially kids who are funned of reading stories and seeing beautiful pictures. According to James A. Cox, editor-in-chief of Midwest Book Review, the cover is the part of the book that will attract distributors, booksellers, costumers, librarians and reviewers to pick up the book, allotting time opening it and casting eye tracks on the interior of the book. Not only colorful and attractive covers are needed in coming up with a high quality book but the message of the cover as well. This is not an easy task and requires good artistic ability. Although aesthetic is an important part, the main text and body of the book is still the main important part that readers are searching. A cover must give a hint on what the book is all about that is why titles are commonly a part of the cover. The title itself requires creativity. A book needs a catchy title for it to gain the interest of the reader. The title can also tell the reader whether the book is worthy to be read and worthy of their time, money and effort. The main body of the book also requires creativity and art. You don’t just write anything you want in making a book. It must be organized and put in a creative manner in order to maximize its effectiveness. Illustrations and others must be included because it is easier to remember and understand. Making an illustration regarding the important things and information that you want to impart is also a hard task that requires creativity and artistic ability. Any information given and emphasize by the writer will be greatly appreciated if the reader will be able to grasp the idea. Making the body of a book does not only require a good writing skills but the writer must also think of better ways on how to improve the body for the readers. For this reason, most scholarly books include tables, graphs and other representations for better understanding. Thus, book writing must also be considered as a form of art that requires creativity and artistic design. Artistic ability is really needed in book making especially in making story or book of poems. Making poem is not as easy as it looks. The purpose is not simply to entertain but as well as for the writer to express himself/herself in a creative manner. Every part of a book requires good artistic ability in order to be effective and to serve its purpose. The cover needs to be attractive for the readers to take time looking at what the book is all about. The body must also be a work of art for the readers to be satisfied with what they have read. Book making is a form of art and art cannot be separated from book making. Without art, it would be impossible to come up with a high quality, effective and informative book. Creativity and artistic design is a great factor to gain and satisfy the readers. To satisfy the readers is not just beneficial on the part of the reader but for the writer as well. By doing so, the writer will gain the trust of the readers and will be able to build a good reputation. Thus, the possibility of having readers of his or her future works increases because of the reputation that he or she was able to build by meeting the expectations of costumers or readers. The greatest challenge in book making is not the information that is to be included in the book but rather how you can come up with a book that can be considered as a work of art from the cover and to the whole text. A book is not just read, it must be appreciated and the only way to do so is to consider book making as an art that must be appreciated for the contents and as well as for the aesthetics and artistry of the book in general. An effective and successful writer is definitely a creative artist. References Cox, J. ,A. (No date). The importance of book covers. Retreived January 10, 2008 from http://www. midwestbookreview. com/bookbiz/advice/coverart. htm Hunter, L. (2002). The importance of making a good impression. Retrieved January 10, 2008 from http://www. berkeley. edu/news/berkeleyan/2002/11/13_bookm. html Sowin, J. (15, April, 2007). The importance of books. Retreived January 10, 2008 from http://www. fireandknowledge. org/archives/2007/04/15/the-importance-of-books-l amott/.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Problemas de viajar fuera de USA con visa U
Los migrantes que solicitan u obtienen la visa U por haber sido và ctimas de violencia y colaborar con las autoridades arriesgan su caso o su estatus si viajan fuera de los Estados Unidos. Visa U: riesgos de viajar a otro paà s Visa pendiente de aprobacià ³n: no aprobacià ³n de la solicitud o espera por largo tiempo fuera de EE.UU.Visa aprobada: cancelacià ³n de la visa y/o no aprobacià ³n de la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia permanente. Viajar fuera de EE.UU. cuando la solicitud està ¡ pendiente Los viajes al extranjero mientras està ¡ pendiente la tramitacià ³n de la visa U son problemà ¡ticos porque pueden causar, por un lado, la negacià ³n de la peticià ³n y, por otro, que el solicitante deba esperar por largo tiempo fuera de EE.UU. antes de que se le autorice regresar. Negacià ³n del caso Puede darse por dos circunstancias. En primer lugar, el solicitante de la visa U se compromete, como requisito de la visa, a colaborar con las autoridades para resolver un delito o condenar a un criminal. Para ello debe comunicar siempre al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) todos sus cambios de domicilio. Ademà ¡s, si se diera el caso de que se le solicita colaboracià ³n mientras està ¡ en el extranjero, no podrà a cumplir con su obligacià ³n, con lo que USCIS podrà a negar la peticià ³n. Por otro lado, USCIS podrà a considerar un viaje de placer al extranjero por parte del solicitante de la visa como que està ¡ en contradiccià ³n con alegaciones que se pueden haber hecho cuando se solicità ³ recibir este beneficio migratorio, como pueden ser severos daà ±os fà sicos o psà quicos a consecuencia del delito sufrido. Larga espera fuera de EE.UU. El solicitante de la visa U que viaja fuera de EE.UU. mientras la tramitacià ³n està ¡ pendiente no podrà ¡ regresar a Estados Unidos hasta que USCIS apruebe su caso y envà e la documentacià ³n al consulado correspondiente para tramitar la visa. Este proceso puede demorarse meses e, incluso, aà ±os. La à ºnica excepcià ³n es cuando el solicitante tiene otra visa và ¡lida por ejemplo, una de estudiante. Otra opcià ³n para evitar la espera serà a estar en condiciones de solicitar con à ©xito otra visa para regresar a EE.UU., pero en este caso hay que tener en consideracià ³n que si se estuvo en situacià ³n de presencia ilegal en EE.UU. las posibilidades se reducen y, en el caso de que la situacià ³n de ilegalidad fuera superior a 180 dà as, se producirà a el castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os.  ¿Se puede pedir un permiso para viajar conocido como advance parole? Como regla general, los solicitantes de la visa U que està ¡ pendiente de su tramitacià ³n no pueden pedir ese permiso para viajar conocido como advance parole. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los migrantes que, al mismo tiempo, està ¡n tramitando un ajuste de estatus. En estos casos sà podrà an hacerlo mediante la presentacià ³n del formulario I-131 y pagando la correspondiente tarifa de $575. Ademà ¡s, dependiendo de la edad del solicitante es posible que deba pagarse adicionalmente $85 para la toma de datos biomà ©tricos. Riesgos de viajar fuera de EE.UU. con la visa U ya aprobada La obligacià ³n del migrante de colaborar con las autoridades para el esclarecimiento del crimen y la condena de los culpables continà ºa incluyo mà ¡s allà ¡ de la aprobacià ³n de la visa U. Por lo tanto, el migrante no puede pasar fuera de EE.UU. cantidades de tiempo que impidan el cumplimiento de esta obligacià ³n, ya que la visa le podrà a ser rescindida. Por otra parte, pasar mucho tiempo fuera de EE.UU. podrà a poner en peligro su derecho a solicitar mediante un ajuste de estatus la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Para adquirir la residencia se exige, entre otros requisitos, que el migrante con la visa U tenga tres aà ±os de presencia continua en Estados Unidos. Se considera que no se cumple este requisito en cualquiera de las dos circunstancias siguientes: se ha pasado mà ¡s de 90 dà as corridos fuera de EE.UU.En esos tres aà ±os se ha pasado un total de mà ¡s de 180 dà as de EE.UU. Viajes dentro de EE.UU. Se puede viajar sin restricciones dentro de los 50 estados que conforman Estados Unidos y tambià ©n a sus territorios como, por ejemplo, Puerto Rico. Los titulares de la visa U pueden solicitar un Real I.D. para embargar en vuelos domà ©sticos. Cada estado tiene jurisdiccià ³n para establecer sus propios requisitos pero, por regla general, piden a estos migrantes que muestren su documento I-94, registro de entrada y de salida, el cual puede imprimirse directamente de la pà ¡gina oficial de CBP. Estos Real I.D. està ¡n marcados como temporales, ya que son solo và ¡lidos mientras el migrante conserve su presencia legal en el paà s. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
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